Souvenirs of Life with Chufy tunic maxi dress
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Part of the Souvenirs of Life &Co.llaboration created with Sofia Sanchez de Betak, this long linen dress is adorned with textural embroidery inspired by traditional tribal designs. Cut to an easy, flared silhouette, it’s finished with handy hidden pockets.
Deo kolekcije „Suveniri Života &Co.llaboration“ kreirane sa Sofijom Sanchez de Betak, ova duga haljina od lana je ukrašena teksturalnim vezom inspirisanim tradicionalnim plemenskim dizajnima. Isečena u ležernu, proširenu siluetu, završena je sa praktičnim skrivenim džepovima.
Fabric 100% flaxlinen; – exclusive of decoration.
Machine wash cold delicate cycle; do not bleach; do not tumble dry; line drying in the shade; cool iron; professionally dry clean perchloroethylene – normal process.; put this item into a string bag before washing it.; wash the garment while it is fastened.; turn the articles inside out before washing.
Tkanina 100% lan; bez dekoracija.
Mašinsko pranje na hladnom, osetljivom ciklusu; ne izbeljivati; ne sušiti u mašini; sušenje na vešalici u hladu; peglati na niskoj temperaturi; profesionalno hemijsko čišćenje perkloretilenom – normalan proces; staviti predmet u mrežastu kesu pre pranja; prati komad dok je zakopčan; okrenuti komad naopako pre pranja.